Guillén – Career Highlights

2018 Completed $30 million fundraising campaign for the Lauder Institute
2018 Rededication and renovation of the Lauder Institute building
2015 Appointed trustee of the Fundación Princesa de Asturias, the royal foundation of Spain
2014 Delivers Otto Krause Memorial Lecture at the University of Johannesburg
2014 Nominated to the Anvil Teaching Award by a vote of all Wharton MBA students
2014 Delivers Clarendon Lectures at Oxford University
2013 Delivers the Laurent Picard Distinguished Lecture at McGill University
2013 Elected member of the Sociological Research Association
2013 Wins Aspen Institute Faculty Pioneer Award
2012 Wins Wharton MBA Core Teaching Award
2010 Wins Wharton Teaching Commitment and Curricular
Innovation Award for his class on the Global Economic & Financial Crisis
2007 Appointed Director of the Joseph H. Lauder Institute of Management & International Studies at Penn
2005 Wins the IV Fundación Banco Herrero Prize, awarded annually to the most promising Spanish social scientist under the age of 40
2004 Elected Fellow of the Macro Organizational Behavior Society
2003 Co-winner of the W. Richard Scott Best Paper Award, American Sociological Association
2003 Appointed as Dr. Felix Zandman Endowed Professor of International Management
2003 Promoted to Full Professor at the Wharton School
2000 Wins Wharton Core MBA Teaching Award
2000 Wins Wharton Core MBA Teaching Award
1998 Appointed as Member of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
1998 Selected as Guggenheim Fellow
1997 Wins Gulf Publishing Company Best Paper Award from the Academy of Management
1996 Made eligible as a Fellow of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences
1996 Joins faculty at the Wharton School, with a secondary appointment in the Department of Sociology at Penn
1993 Wins President’s Book Award of the Social Science History Association
1992 Joins faculty at the MIT Sloan School of Management
1992 Receives PhD in Sociology, Yale University
1992 Finalist, American Sociological Association Best Dissertation Award
1991 Winner of the Gustavus Myers Award for Outstanding Book on Human Rights
1991 Receives Doctorate in Political Economy, University of Oviedo