Entrepreneurship & Innovation Concentration

The Entrepreneurship and Innovation concentration provides a cross-departmental set of skills, analytical tools, perspectives, and experiences to prepare students for careers as autonomous entrepreneurs, family-business entrepreneurs, or entrepreneurs in corporate settings. Whether a student wants to start a business while in school, join an emerging business, or set the groundwork to launch a new firm later in a career, the concentration prepares students for all of these exciting options by examining both entrepreneurial innovation and its surrounding ecosystem. Entrepreneurial skills and thinking are actively sought by more competitive and profitable growing businesses. The special strength of this program is that it combines theory with practice, providing students the opportunity to test the theories, models, and strategies learned in the classroom by creating real business plans, working on other field projects, and gaining access and insight from leaders in the entrepreneurial business community.

The Entrepreneurship and Innovation concentration and related co-curricular activities are supported in part by the Goergen Entrepreneurial Management Program at the Wharton School’s Venture Lab.

Please note that not every course listed below is offered every academic year. We will do our best to indicate when we know a course will not be offered in the coming academic year, but you should be sure to consult with your Wharton Undergraduate advisor about your course plan, as they may have additional information. Current semester offerings can be confirmed via the Course Schedule.

4.0 credit units are required for the Entrepreneurship and Innovation concentration

  • 1 cu of Entrepreneurship and Innovation foundation courses
    Required:  MGMT 2300 – Entrepreneurship (0.5 cu; offered all four quarters)*
    Select:       MGMT 2120 – Social Entrepreneurship (0.5 cu; Fall Q2, Spring Q4) OR
                       MGMT 2670 – Entrepreneurship & Technology Innovation                                                                                          (0.5 cu; Fall Q2, Spring Q3)*
  • 3 credit units from the set of approved courses listed below. Among the courses selected, at least 1 cu must address entrepreneurial activity within organizations (indicated by category “a” below) and at least 1 cu must address the ecosystem surrounding the organization (indicated by category “b” below). Courses that address both perspectives may be applied to either category (but not both).


Course Category Title
ACCT 2900 a Accounting for Entrepreneurs
FNCE 2500 b Venture Capital and the Finance of Innovation
FNCE 2510 b Finance of Buyouts & Acquisitions
HCMG 3910 a or b Health Care Entrepreneurship
LGST 2050/MKTG 2600 b Innovation, Marketing Strategy & Antitrust (cross-listed)
LGST 2060/MGMT 2910/OIDD 2910 a or b Negotiations (cross-listed)
LGST 2130 a or b Legal Aspects of Entrepreneurship
LGST 2220 b Internet Law, Privacy & Cybersecurity
MGMT 1170 a or b Global Growth of Emerging Firms (Spring)
MGMT 2120 a Social Entrepreneurship (0.5 cu, Fall Q1 & Q2; Spring Q4)
MGMT 2130 a or b Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition (0.5 cu; Fall Q1)
MGMT 2140 a or b Technology & Innovation Strategy** (not offered current academic year)
MGMT 2290 a or b Intellectual Property Strategy (0.5 cu; Fall Q2 & Spring Q3)
MGMT 2310 a Venture Implementation (0.5 cu, Spring Q4)
MGMT 2320x a Business Model Innovation Strategy (not offered current academic year)
MGMT 2330 a or b Strategies & Practices of Family-Controlled Companies (0.5 cu, Fall, Spring Q3 & Q4)
MGMT 2490 b Mergers & Acquisitions (Fall)
MGMT 2640 b Venture Capital & Entrepreneurial Management (Fall, Spring)
MGMT 2650 a or b Culture of Technology (not offered current academic year)
MGMT 2670 a or b Entrepreneurship & Technology Innovation (0.5 cu; Fall Q1, Spring Q3)
MGMT 3880 a or b Venture Acceleration Lab
(UG senior capstone course)
MKTG 2210 a or b New Product Management*** (0.5 cu)
MKTG 2270 a Marketing & Electronic Commerce**** (0.5 cu)
MKTG 2340 a Creativity (0.5 cu)
MKTG 2410 a Entrepreneurial Marketing (0.5 cu)
MKTG 2470 a Marketing Strategy for Technology Platforms (0.5 cu)
MKTG 2620 a or b New Product Development***
MKTG 2700 a Digital Social & E-commerce Marketing****
OIDD 2360 a Scaling Operations in Tech Ventures
OIDD 3140 a or b Enabling Technologies
OIDD 4150 a or b Product Design
REAL 3750 a or b Real Estate Disruptions (0.5 cu)
REAL 3960 a or b Real Estate Entrepreneurship (0.5 cu)

* Students in the M&T program must substitute MGMT 2370 Management of Technology (1.0 cu) in place of MGMT 2300 Entrepreneurship (0.5 cu) and MGMT 2670 Entrepreneurship & Technology Innovation (0.5 cu; offered Fall Q1 and Spring Q3).

** Only one of MGMT 2140 Technology & Innovation Strategy (1.0 cu) and MGMT 2370 Management of Technology (1.0 cu) may be included in the major.

*** Only one of MKTG 2210 New Product Management (0.5 cu) and MKTG 2620 New Product Development (1.0 cu) may be included in the major.

**** Only one of MKTG 2270 Marketing & Electronic Commerce (0.5 cu) and MKTG 2700 Digital Social & E-commerce Marketing (1.0 cu) may be included in the major.

Permission from the undergraduate advisor, Sara Jane McCaffrey is required to substitute a related course. Only 1.0 cu out of the four total cu may be allotted to the aggregate of Global Modular Courses, Independent Study Projects, and/or Research Theses.