Through Academic Year 2020-2021
To pursue a specialization in this area, students will take two CUs of core and two CUs of additional electives. Students must use different courses to fulfill the two CUs of core and the two CUs of additional electives. Students may use core courses for elective credit, but may not double-count the same course for both core and elective credit.
Core includes:
- MGMT 238 – Organizational Behavior (1.00 cu)
or if MGMT 238 is not available, taking MGMT 224 (0.5 cu) & MGMT 272 (0.5 cu) - plus MGMT 243 – Work and Technology (0.5 cu)
- plus MGMT 248 – How to Be the Boss (0.5 cu).
Note: MGMT 104 (1 cu), which is no longer offered, counts as a core course for students who have already taken it.
Electives can be chosen from the courses below.
Courses that satisfy the elective requirements of this specialization include:
- MGMT 224 – Leading Diversity in Organizations (0.5 cu)
- MGMT 241 – Knowledge for Social Impact (1.00 cu)
- MGMT 242 – Corporate Governance (1.00 cu)
- MGMT 272 – Power and Politics in Organizations (0.5 cu)
- MGMT 291 – Negotiations (1.00 cu)
- MGMT 293 – People Analytics (1.00 cu)
Program Information
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation Concentration
- Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Factors for Business Concentration and Specializations
- Leading Across Differences Concentration
- Management Concentration and Specializations