4.0 credit units are required beyond the Wharton core for the DEI concentration.
Students must take at least 1.5 credit units from the following foundational courses. The semester or quarter in which each class will tentatively be offered during the current academic year is shown in parentheses for planning purposes. Please consult the undergraduate course schedule to confirm:
- BEPP 2650 – Economics of Diversity (Spring)
- LGST 2420 – Big Data, Big Responsibilities (0.5 cu)
- MGMT 2240 – Leading Diversity in Organizations (0.5 cu; Fall Q2, Spring Q3)
- MGMT 2280 – Navigating Difficult Conversations in Business and Beyond (0.5 cu; Spring Q3)
- MGMT 2380 – Organizational Behavior (Fall & Spring)
- MGMT 2390 – Leading and Managing Teams (0.5 cu; Fall Q1)
- MGMT 2950 – Synchrony at Work (0.5 cu; Fall Q2)
The remaining credits may also be taken from the following courses that will address complementary skills and techniques that build a manager’s DEI toolkit:
- LGST 2080 – Law at Work
- LGST 2180 – Diversity and the Law
- MGMT 2360 – Innovation, Change, and Entrepreneurship (0.5 cu; Spring)
- MGMT 2410 – Leading for Impact (Spring)
- MGMT 2720 – Power and Politics in Organizations (not offered current academic year)
- MGMT 2910 – Negotiations (cross-listed with OIDD 2910 & LGST 2910, Fall and Spring)
- MGMT 2930 – People Analytics (cross-listed with OIDD 2930, Spring)
- OIDD 2900 – Decision Processes (Fall)
- With permission from the Management Department Faculty Advisor, up to 1 cu may be composed of relevant Global Modular Courses, Global Virtual Courses, Research Theses, Independent Studies with significantly related content, or disciplinary coursework from the College of Arts & Sciences focused broadly on issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion (e.g., anthropology, cultural/diaspora-related studies, gender, sexuality, and women’s studies, history, international relations, psychology, religious studies, sociology)
For inquiries, contact Sara Jane McCaffrey, Management Department Advisor and Lecturer.
Program Information
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Concentration
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation Concentration
- Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Factors for Business Concentration and Specializations
- Management Concentration and Specializations