Key Contacts

Please feel free to reach out to any of the following people with questions about our PhD program, the different sub-groups within the Management Department, the student experience, or anything else. We’re happy to hear from you!

Faculty Representatives

Doctoral Coordinator and Multinational Management Representative
: Exequiel (Zeke) Hernandez

A headshot of a person in a suit and red tie against a dark background.

Department Chair: Rahul Kapoor

Headshot of a person wearing glasses, a suit, and a red polka-dotted tie, smiling at the camera with a neutral background.

Entrepreneurship Representative: Valentina Assenova

Headshot of a smiling person with shoulder-length brown hair, wearing a dark blazer against a plain background.

Human & Social Capital Representative: Tiantian Yang

A person in professional attire smiling, set against a wood-paneled and windowed background. Headshot suggests approachability and professionalism.

Strategy Management Representative: Claudine Gartenberg

Headshot of a person with shoulder-length dark hair, wearing a pink blouse and a black jacket, smiling against a gray background.

For more information on our other faculty:

PhD Students’ Representatives

A headshot of a person with long dark hair, smiling, wearing a black blazer and white shirt, set against a gray background.
A person smiling outdoors, standing in front of a tree with autumn leaves. The person has long dark hair and is wearing a red jacket.

Read more about the community of students that you’ll be joining: