Office assignments are bound by Department policy and typically made in July. The Chair’s office oversees space assignments for Standing and Visiting Faculty. Robin Woods, in conjunction with the Chair’s office and Doctoral coordinator manages PhD and Visiting PhD space.
Faculty must retain their current office (unless they present the Chair with a convincing reason to move).
Faculty Assignments
- Tenured faculty have first priority to offices with outside windows as they become available.
- Grandfather Clause: Untenured faculty who had offices with outside windows at the time of the renovations will remain in these offices.
- One office will continually be reserved in anticipation of new senior faculty appointments (and/or distinguished visitors).
- Every effort will be made to assign newly hired faculty to offices on the second floor of the management suite.
- Faculty offices are not allocated based on their group affiliation.
- Every effort will be made to reserve offices for visitors (this includes the one office with outside window mentioned above). This office will be determined periodically, will be revolving and be non-exclusive.
“Permanent” Offices
- Emeritus faculty will have access to a shared office space in 3031 SH-DH
- The Undergraduate Advisor’s office will be located in 2013 SH-DH
- The Chair’s office is 3207 SH-DH and the administrative offices are 3210 and 3212
- Department administrative and IT staff are located on the second floor.
- Administrative Staff: At the front desk, and in cubicles 2043, 2045, 2047 and offices 2101, 2102, 2104 and 2108
- IT staff: 2007, 2009 and 2011 near the Help-Desk.
PhD Office Assignments
A total of 29 cubicles will be available for PhD students on the second and third floors of SH-DH. First, second and third year Ph.D. students will be assigned offices on the 2nd Floor of the management suite. Every effort will be made to assign each student in years 1-5 an individual cubicle; 6th year students remaining in the program will share a common space (currently 3033 SH-DH).
Filing Cabinets
Filing cabinets are not permitted in primary access hallways nor areas designated for public use (e.g., reception areas, lounges, conference rooms). In some cases cabinets may be permitted if they are directly adjacent to a faculty member’s office. Egress cannot be less than 60 inches wide to insure fire and safety codes are observed. A professional environment must be maintained. See Linda Pierson with questions.

Management Department
The Wharton School,
University of Pennsylvania
2000 Steinberg-Deitrich Hall
3620 Locust Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6370
Phone: (215) 898-7722
Fax: (215) 898-0401