The general Management major allows a student to flexibly choose among the full set of the department’s offerings. As a consequence, students can mold a curriculum that spans issues of managing the internal processes of firms and considerations of strategic advantage — for both young and growing, as well as established organizations. Students will have the opportunity to develop a background that will make them well suited to general management and leadership positions in firms and to serve these firms in advisory roles with leading consulting firms.
Requirements for the Major
The general Management major requires four credit units beyond the required Wharton core. MGMT classes in the required Wharton core are non-waivable and include MGMT 6100 (Foundations of Teamwork and Leadership, 0.5 cu) as well as your choice of MGMT 6110 (Managing the Established Enterprise) or MGMT 6120 (Managing the Emerging Enterprise) or MGMT 6130 (Managing the Established Enterprise, WEMBA only).
The four credit units can be fulfilled by taking any of the department’s electives beyond the required Wharton core. However, only 1.0 cu out of these four can be allotted to the aggregate of Global Modular Courses, Advanced Study Projects, or Independent Study Projects (with the approval of the department advisor). Additionally, MGMT 6900 cannot be double-counted toward the OIDD flex-core and as an elective within the Management major. All credit units for the major must be taken for a letter grade.
Advisor: Sara Jane McCaffrey (for current Wharton Students only, Prospective students should contact the Admissions office)
Telephone: 215.898.1149
For additional information or to apply visit the MBA website.
Program Information
- Management Major (General)
- Leading Across Differences Major
- Entrepreneurship & Innovation Major
- Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Major
- Multinational Management Major
- Organizational Effectiveness Major
- Strategic Management Major