The Leading Across Differences major draws from courses in Management and other Wharton departments, including Legal Studies & Business Ethics and Business, Economics & Public Policy. It requires four credit units beyond the required Wharton core. MGMT classes in the required Wharton core are non-waivable and include MGMT 6100 (Foundations of Teamwork and Leadership, 0.5 cu) as well as your choice of MGMT 6110 (Managing the Established Enterprise) or MGMT 6120 (Managing the Emerging Enterprise) or MGMT 6130 (Managing the Established Enterprise, WEMBA only). All credit units for the major must be taken for a letter grade.
At least 1.5 credit units must come from these foundational courses. Please consult the MBA Course Schedule to confirm courses that are being offered the current academic year.
- BEPP 7650 – Business Economics and Discrimination
- LGST 6420 – Big Data, Big Responsibilities (0.5 cu)
- MGMT 6240 – Leading Across Cultural and Relational Differences (0.5 cu)
- MGMT 6710 – Executive Leadership (0.5 cu)
- MGMT 7280 – Navigating Difficult Conversations in Business and Beyond (0.5 cu)
- MGMT 7720 – Power and Politics in Organizations
- MGMT 7940 – Understanding Careers (0.5 cu)
The remaining credit units may also be selected from these courses:
- LGST 8080 – Law at Work
- MGMT 6910 – Negotiations (cross-listed with LGST 8060 and OIDD 6910)
- MGMT 7730 – Managing Organizational Change (0.5 cu)
- MGMT 7860 – Reforming Mass Incarceration and the Role of Business (0.5 cu)
- MGMT 7900 – WORKS Immersion
- MGMT 7930 – People Analytics (0.5 cu; cross-listed with OIDD 7930)
- OIDD 6900 – Managerial Decision Making*
- OIDD 6930 – Influence (0.5 cu)
- With permission of Management Department faculty advisor, at most 1 cu total from a relevant Global Modular Course, Global Virtual Course, Advanced Study Program and/or Independent Study with significantly related content, or non-Wharton coursework focused broadly on related issues.
*Students may not double-count MGMT 6900: Managerial Decision Making for both the Leading Across Differences major and the OIDD flexcore.
Advisor: Sara Jane McCaffrey (for current Wharton students only; prospective students should contact the Admissions office)
Telephone: 215.898.1149
For additional information or to apply visit the MBA website.
Program Information
- Management Major (General)
- Leading Across Differences Major
- Entrepreneurship & Innovation Major
- Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Major
- Multinational Management Major
- Organizational Effectiveness Major
- Strategic Management Major