FY21 COVID-19 Restrictions
- University hiring freeze
- University will reimburse no travel expenses until further notice
- These policies will be continually revised throughout the fiscal year. Please see Linda Pierson for more information regarding COVID-19 restrictions.
DARTS (Department Allotment for Research and Teaching Support) is the Chair-approved departmental funding to faculty (without endowed chair research funding) in support of teaching and research related activities. Based on department funding, the current DARTS allotment is $17,500.
DARTS is funded on the fiscal year July 1 through June 30.
Expenditures must conform to University guidelines and may not be for personal use (including personal software/hardware or audio/visual equipment). University audit sales require that all purchases of this type must be processed through the University. Do not make personal purchases without prior approval. See Linda.
All purchases and reimbursements must have a detailed business purpose. Please include course numbers, project/research titles, conference names, etc.
DARTS will carry forward up to two times your annual DARTS budget. The maximum allowed in your DARTS account is three times your annual allowance; $17,500 x 3 is $52,500.
All purchase requests should be made by mid-April in order to ensure that there is sufficient time for processing and reimbursements.
No portion of DARTS may be directed towards compensation of a faculty member.
- Linda Pierson oversees all payroll, budgetary/financial, A/P and DARTS activities for the Department and Centers. Linda approves each transaction.
- Maryann Pagan-Abraham processes A/P transactions, online orders, subscriptions and credit card orders. As appropriate, these transactions will be noted on your DARTS and research funding reports, which are available online or on demand.
- Jack Collins submits payroll entries (including TAs, RAs, work study students, student workers, etc.). As appropriate, these transactions will be noted on your DARTS and research funding reports, which are available online or on demand.
Inviting speakers to present papers at Penn seminars
- It is permissible to use DARTS for this purpose with submission of a business memo detailing event/class, date, time and business purpose.
Academic Regalia
- DARTS can be used to purchase Academic Regalia.
Phone Charges
- Monthly phone charges are deducted from your DARTS.
Bookstore/Computer Connection purchases
- Bookstore and Computer Connection purchases should be made on requisitions (both require a Penn ID at the time of purchase). Please email Maryann to request a requisition; detail the business purchase and the requisition will be issued. Purchases made with requisitions receive a 10% discount. Requisitions may not be used for personal purchases. The gold copy should be returned to Maryann.
Memberships, conference fees, subscriptions, journal submissions and academic book orders
- These expenses are paid directly by the department and charged to your DARTS – simply provide enrollment/subscription forms to Victoria. Submission fees are processed through Accounts Payable. The check will be included with the manuscript and forwarded by that office. Or, you may pay the fee with a personal check. A copy of the canceled check (front and back) is required for reimbursement. To order a book, you can submit the website address (and/or order form) to Victoria. If you purchase directly, Maryann can process a reimbursement. Private, personal club memberships (including the Penn Club) will not be reimbursed through the University.
Mail and UPS
- Mail and UPS expenses will be charged to your account. DARTS accounts are not charged for any first class mail, including bulk mailings. University postal services cannot be used for personal mailings (i.e., holiday cards).
- Supplies like personalized stationery and business cards, computer disks, toner, ink, bulk transparencies and special order supplies will be charged to your DARTS. The department will continue to supply the first order of business cards and note pads. We also supply (on a help-yourself basis) post-its, legal and letter size lined pads, pens (black, blue and red), pencils, erasers, rulers, rubber bands, paper, envelopes, file and hanging folders, chalk, desk calendars, paper and binder clips, scissors, tape, tape dispensers, staplers, staples, markers and other small supplies. Please let Front Desk staff know in advance of bulk mailings to insure adequate supplies are on hand.
- All photocopying charges, whether done by outside vendors or on the departmental copiers, will be charged to your DARTS. The Department charges a per-copy fee. The actual amount for any work done by an outside vendor will be charged. (Note: It is illegal to copy books in their entirety. Consequently, neither department staff nor outside vendors will copy entire books. Please purchase all books.)
Purchases of computing equipment, software and supplies
- New faculty receive their initial system and software from the department. All other purchases are charged to your DARTS. The University must be the purchasing agent. Personal funds will not be reimbursed. Any equipment purchased (i.e., computers, printers, dictaphones, calculators, etc.) through the University, regardless of funding source, is University property. This property cannot be retained by you if you leave the University.
Special or custom office equipment or furniture
- The department supplies a desk, credenza, a desk chair, two visitor chairs, 3 two-drawer file cabinets, and 20 book shelves and one desk lamp. All other equipment or furniture requested will be charged to your DARTS. The purchase of furniture for a home office is not an allowable expense.
- Travel to academic conferences and meetings, both domestic and foreign, can be charged to your DARTS. (Note: First Class travel is prohibited.) Please refer to the Penn Travel Services for extensive information regarding travel, including personal/business meal expenses while traveling, entertainment expenses and other important details. The Penn Travel portal is available to all Penn faculty and staff for authorized business travel. The portal also contains Penn faculty and staff personal travel promotions as well as student related travel services and information.
Research funding awarded by another department or center
- Funds may be awarded as expenses or salary. Funds may be managed by the awarding department/center or transferred to the Management Department. If a transfer is in order, the funding amount and source must be documented in writing and a copy must be forwarded to the financial staff in the department who will coordinate the transfer. If awarded as salary, please note that full-time employees will incur an employee benefit deduction based on the current EB rate.

Management Department
The Wharton School,
University of Pennsylvania
2000 Steinberg-Deitrich Hall
3620 Locust Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6370
Phone: (215) 898-7722
Fax: (215) 898-0401

Management Department
The Wharton School,
University of Pennsylvania
2000 Steinberg-Deitrich Hall
3620 Locust Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6370
Phone: (215) 898-7722
Fax: (215) 898-0401