Seminars and Workshops

Spring 2024


Date/Time Event Speaker Topic
Thursday, January 18
Noon – 1:20 pm
OB Seminar
SH-DH 116
Rellie Derfler-Rozin
University of Maryland
“Should I Stand Up for My Mistreated Colleague? When and Why High-Status Team Members Will Stand Up to Observed Supervisory Mistreatment.”
Monday, January 29
Noon – 1:20 pm
ENT Seminar
SH-DH 116
Paul Gompers
Harvard Business School
“No Revenge for Nerds: Evaluating the Careers of Ivy League Athletes.”



Date/Time Event Speaker Topic
Thursday, February 1
Noon – 1:20 pm
HSC Seminar
SH-DH 116
Summer Jackson
Harvard Business School
“Act the Part: Race and Social Class in the Modern Workplace.”
Wednesday, February 7
Noon – 1:20 pm
EOI Workshop
SH-DH 2034
Marie Carpenter
Institut Mines-Telecom Business School, Paris
“The Pursuit of Shareholder Value: Cisco’s Transformation from Innovation to Financialization.”
Thursday, February 8
Noon – 1:20 pm
SM Seminar
SH-DH 116
Aseem Kaul
University of Minnesota
“E Pluribus Unum? Achieving Collective Action With Heterogeneous Actors.
Monday, February 12
Noon – 1:20 pm
MM Seminar
SH-DH 116
Donal Crilly
London Business School
“Why Strategy Looks Different in Other Languages: War Language and Semantic Fit.
Monday, February 19
Noon – 1:20 pm
HSC Seminar
SH-DH 116
Matt Beane
UC Santa Barbara
“Engineering Skill: How Developing AI-Enabled Robots and Nonprofessional Ability Went Hand in Hand at JointBot.”
Wednesday, February 21
Noon – 1:20 pm
EOI Workshop
SH-DH 2034
Fredrick Tell
Uppsala University
“Appropriability on trial: SMEs in patent litigation.”
Thursday, February 22
Noon – 1:20 pm
OB Seminar
SH-DH 116
Ned Wellman
Arizona State University
“What kind of leader am I? Ideal leader selves and personalized leader identity development.”



Date/Time Event Speaker Topic
Monday, March 11
Noon – 1:20 pm
ENT Seminar
SH-DH 116
Matthew Lee
Harvard Kennedy School
“Activist Pressure and Firm Compliance with ESG Disclosure Policy: Experimental Evidence from the U.K. Modern Slavery Act.”
Thursday, March 14
Noon – 1:20 pm
HSC Seminar
SH-DH 116
Erin Kelly
“Does an isolated voice channel reduce turnover and improve work? Evidence from a cluster-randomized trial in fulfillment centers.”
Wednesday, March 20
Noon – 1:20 pm
EOI Workshop
(Rescheduled for the Fall)
Paul Nightingale
University of Sussex
“Technology and Strategy: Representing and intervening within large innovating firms.”
Thursday, March 21
Noon – 1:20 pm
SM Seminar
SH-DH 116
John Joseph
UC Irvine
“Capacity through Comprehension: Information Processing, Ambiguity Resolution, and Organization Design in Healthcare.”



Date/Time Event Speaker Topic
Monday, April 1
Noon – 1:20 pm
HSC Seminar
SH-DH 116
Seth Carnahan
Washington University-St. Louis
“Corporate Social Responsibility and Employee Performance: Evidence from a Field Experiment.”
Wednesday, April 3
Noon – 1:20 pm
EOI Workshop
SH-DH 2034
Carliss Baldwin
Harvard Business School
“Two Technological Paradigms: Implications for Managers and Organizations.”
Monday, April 8
Noon – 1:20 pm
SM Seminar
SH-DH 116
Todd Zenger
University of Utah
“Competing with theories: How entrants secure incumbents’ resources and capture awareness (or confidence) rents.”
Thursday, April 11
Noon – 1:20 pm
MM Seminar
SH-DH 116
Megan Macgarvie
Boston University
“Match Quality, Task Specialization and the Long-run Impacts of the STEM-OPT extension.”
Monday, April 15
Noon – 1:20 pm
ENT Seminar
SH-DH 116
Waverly Ding
University of Maryland
Monday, April 22
Noon – 1:20 pm
OB Seminar
SH-DH 116
Patricia Hewlin
Columbia University
“Facades of Conformity: Current Findings and Implications for Interpersonal Behavior in the Workplace.”
Wednesday, April 24
Noon – 1:20 pm
EOI Workshop
SH-DH 2034
Andrew Hargadon
UC Davis
“Between Causality and Consequentiality: A Microhistorical Study of Penicillin as an Innovation.”
Monday, April 29
Noon – 1:20 pm
MM Seminar
SH-DH 116
Joao Albino-Pimentel
University of South Carolina



Date/Time Event Speaker Topic
Thursday, May 2
Noon – 1:20 pm
ENT Seminar
SH-DH 116
Sharique Hasan
Duke University
“Measuring The Commercial Potential of Science”
Monday, May 13
Noon – 1:20 pm
SM Seminar
SH-DH 116
PK Toh
University of Texas- Austin
“Algorithm Learning From Third-Party Human Intermediaries On Platforms.”
Thursday, May 16
Noon – 1:20 pm
MM Seminar
SH-DH 116
Marlous van Waijenburg
Harvard Business School
“An Awakening Manufacturing Giant? Reflections from African Labor History.”